Thursday, May 17, 2012


I have wanted an owl for a while now. My friends and family have been not so supportive of my dream to be an owl owner. I think they are afraid of owls. I just don't get it. I have also heard the "it's illegal" excuse from more than one person. Come on, just admit you hate owls, if your going to say stuff like that. Regardless, I got tired of defending my dream. I gave up. Instead of getting a live owl, I opted for the more macabre model: a taxidermied owl. I started my search only to find that the government believes that is illegal too. Apparently only antique stuffed owls can be purchased. I was having very little luck finding myself an owl, but then I found one on EBay. 

Either the owl I found was perhaps the most unique owl that ever lived, and the taxidermist who memorialized him was some sort hick genius who perfectly captured this majestic animal's quirky personality traits. Or, someone without hands and eyes decided to take up taxidermy about a hundred years ago, and what resulted was really an embarrassing travesty. Regardless, I am attracted to this owl. It would undoubtedly be a conversation piece. I will soon start a series of paintings depicting this animal with all its personality as it must have looked in nature. Straddling a perch instead of sitting on it, like a normal boring bird. Who ever said an owl even needed a right wing anyway? The owl in my paintings will get around on horseback (it was a hundred years ago, after all.) Through my paintings I will bring my owl back to life for the world to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Graham, this owl is hilarious, definitely worth getting. -Lea