Yesterday after months of perusing thrift shops and yard sales I found the pair of woven leather loafers I have been trying to find for months--at a rummage sale to support a local girl's roller derby team. I found these loafers just as the weather is starting to get cold! I can't wear them with socks! That looks stupid. Now I have to wait til spring to wear them. It just feels like there is a greater power conspiring against me fashion-wise these days...I will explain further.
You see, the girls weren't dyke-y, but the roller derby motif did remind me of my awesome leather motorcycle jacket. So of course as soon as I got home I tore my closet apart and found it. It fit great and looked better than ever! But there was a problem. You see, I wear an eye patch these days. After looking in the mirror, I realized that you really need to pick one or the other. Eye patch or awesome leather jacket. The combination made me feel like I was an extra in a Mad Max film or something.
To make matters worse I've been thinking about going wild boar hunting because I've been watching all these new TV shows on the Discovery Channel about homesteading in Alaska. They are always shooting bears and living off the land. These shows inspired me to live off the grist of the land myself! So a couple days ago I dug out my old rifle and cleaned it up in preparation for the hunt.
Yesterday, when I got back from the roller derby girl rummage sale with my awesome woven leather loafers and put on my leather jacket, I could see out of the corner of my eye, my rifle. It whispered to said, "Hey, you are already wearing an awesome leather jacket and checking yourself out in the bathroom mirror--why don't you come over here and pick me up and complete the ensemble?"
So I did. Me with my patch, jacket, and a gun. I didn't plan to stare at myself for an hour in the mirror...but that is what happened. I think if I do go hunt a boar now, like a homesteader, I am going to need to wear the jacket. I feel like I can't wear the patch/leather jacket combo in public...but there is nothing, nothing! preventing me from wearing the outfit in the wilderness while I'm hunting! And, I'm going to wear the loafers too. Just because.