Today me and these two super cute chicks were hanging out at my hot tub all naked and stuff listening to some Dre and chilling, when this bitch I know just barged in and got all crazy on the two chicks. It was nuts! It seemed like that crazy bitch wanted to kill those chicks. Just when I was afraid it was going to get ugly, that crazy bitch just stopped--and peed on the deck! And then acted like it was no big deal! Whatever! I was pissed that bitch peed inches away from my hot tub!
I got up, went to the closet and got a rope! You know what I did next? I tied that rope around a tree, chased that bitch, caught her, took that rope and connected the rope to her collar just out of reach of the hot tub. Then I went back to the tub, turned the tunes back on, and had those super cute chicks eating right out of my hand! It was so sweet!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Bummed out...

Well, the other day I had had it! I thought: what could stop this? What do people not want to touch and kiss? That is when I had a million dollar idea, one that I knew was going to make me rich! Yesterday, like Steve Jobs before me, I set off to change the world! Yes, I started a corporation on Monday that exclusively manufactures bum wigs for dogs! Never again will strangers molest your cute dogs at the beach or the park while you stand by helpless! Not when people think your dogs are bums! That's right! Wigs that make your dogs look like Hesher burn-outs! I expect my company to go public in a year and to be among the top ten Fortune five hundred companies within two years!
Jealous? You should be! So far I have two prototypes. Model one (German backpacker hippie) and model two (bum who hates the government in a really crazy way and hangs out in the Trader Joe's parking lot and who you sometimes smoke out with because you are bored).
Now, I know these prototypes are crude. But next week I'm meeting with industrial designers to really hash out some ideas. You might be thinking those wigs look like pieces of stuffed animals you tore up. Well, maybe they are. Great ideas start small. Apple started in a garage. McDonalds started out in a shack in Mexico in the 1700's! United Airlines--well, they started out making burritos in Inglewood! But you know what each of those companies had? A great vision! A vision like mine, where every dog in America will be dressed up as a kind of pervy looking bum! That is the America I want to live in.
I will start taking orders tomorrow if you are interested. Only $49.99 per bum wig. Get 'em while they're hot!
Friday, August 3, 2012
The Bat

As soon as I got it back to my apartment, I realized I had nowhere to put it. So I thought--and this makes sense I think--I'll keep it in my bathroom. My bathroom at the time was kind of dark like a cave. So I put the little guy in there. He hung upside down from my towel rack, right above my toilet.
So the next morning I was a little hung over. I woke up, got some water, and went to the bathroom. When I went into the bathroom, I was shocked to see a bat screeching at me, but then I remembered, oh yeah, I brought a bat home last night. As soon as I turned on the light the bat started to make unpleasant noises, like he was cranky. So I immediately turned off the light. He liked that. But he didn't seem to like the noise of me peeing in the toilet. So I peed into the sink instead. I didn't care. It's really no fun peeing a couple of feet away from a bat anyway. When I left the bathroom, I started to think, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring that bat home and let it live in my bathroom. But it was too late.
About a month earlier, I had started seeing this girl, Hannah. The next evening she came over and we were watching a movie. She got up to use the bathroom and a few moments later I heard a scream. I had forgotten to tell her about the bat. "There's a bat in your bathroom!" she screamed. I explained the situation and told her that she just shouldn't turn on the light, be noisy or make sudden movements. In the long run she convinced me to keep the bat in a box in the bathtub, at least if she was expected to use the bathroom. The bat didn't like that. In fact, the bat didn't like much of anything, I think. Not even me and I was just trying to help the little guy. Whenever I came home, he would start screeching at me. Forget using my own bathroom--I just didn't feel comfortable in there with that bat and his horrible attitude. Still, I felt sorry for him. His wing was hurt and he couldn't really fly. He could lunge and strike alright, but not fly. Days turned into weeks. Slowly my friends stopped coming around. They said the bat was mean and they didn't like the way the bat treated me. They said, "All he ever does is drink milk, eat bugs, and complain." It was true. He did drink a lot of my milk--but what was I supposed to do? He couldn't fly! He needed me!
On one particularly hot night I opened the outside door to get a cross breeze going. I cooled down and fell asleep. When I awoke in the morning I was shocked to discover that my little bat had left! As quickly as he had come into my life, he had left me. Alone. I realized my friends had been right. He didn't respect me. That bat didn't care about me one bit. He was just using me for milk and a place to stay. It all became so clear!
My life is better now without the bat. But still, on a dark night when I'm peeing, I think of him, and how he used to scare the crap out of me when I'd go to the bathroom. Sometimes I wonder what he's doing out there--if he's flying around catching bugs and sleeping in a cave, or if he took up some hobby, like kite making or floral arrangement to occupy his time. I guess I will never know.
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